"I create meaningful websites through user research".

With my UI/UX skills I make websites that humans love and with my SEO skills, I make websites that search engines love.

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What I do


I use NextJS to build websites that are efficient and easily scalable.


By using UI/UX I understand the intended target audience and develop websites that connect with them.


Implementing SEO helps my websites to rank high in search engines which increases the traffic to the websites.

How I do it

I begin by understanding what the website is about and for whom it is meant. Then I work on UI/UX design where I craft the appropriate theme along with a rough sketch of the website. Implementation takes place next using NextJS and TailwindCSS. It is then followed by writing efficient & scalable server-side and client-side code. Finally, SEO is implemented and the website is brought to life by deploying on the internet.

<aside> 💡 UI/UX of a website connects with humans and SEO connects with search engines. I implement both to develop a website that is loved by people and search engines alike.




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Read case study: Wynk

About me